Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nutrients for Healthy Eyes

Eyes are not only outside but also takes care needs treatment is beneficial nutrients. Protection from dust and light it should be done to avoid eye diseases such as smth, cataracts, bacteria that cause iritation.

Set the proper diet is also an eye care by keeping the intake of nutrients. Here are 10 foods that are very good for the eyes:

Everyone knows, vegetables rich in vitamin A is very good for eye health. Beta carotene is contained convert vitamin D into useful nutrients for the clarity of the eyes. Carrots are also beneficial to get rid of free radicals that can damage the eye.

Nutrients from the fruit is able to care for vision acuity. The content of lutein in avocados is more than any other fruit. In the eye such as cataracts, lunein urgently needed to overcome the decrease in sharpness of vision. In the avocado also contains vitamins A, C, B6 and E.

Eyes also need these dark green vegetables. in broccoli contains vitamin C, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin and sulforahane. As a source of antioxidants, berokoli also clarify the role of the eye.

Beneficial substances such as vitamins A, B12, D, lutein, lecithin and systeine ​​beneficial to maintain eye health. The content is able to meet the needs protein every day so worthwhile nourish the eye.

Vitamin A is good for the eyes can also be obtained from spinach. Sekalain that spinach also contain nutrients that are good because they contain good nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin

Cabbage / cauliflower
Vegetables that this one is not recommended for ulcer patients because of high gas content. But to treat the eye, cabbage is very good because they contain nutrients such as those contained in spinach.

Not only good to nourish the skin, tomatoes also have a myriad of benefits to the eye, because in one terknadung tomato fruit vitamin C and lycopene are also important for the eyes.

Sunflower seeds
Not many people know, in the sunflower seeds are beneficial nutrients to prevent cataracts.

Selenium contained in garlic and good nutrition for the eyes. There are vitamin C and quercetin. Although typical scented, but garlic also has many health benefits, one of which could prevent stroke.

Omega 2 is needed eye. Not to mention folic acid, vitamin D,


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