Saturday, July 30, 2011

10 Foods Lowering Hypertension

High blood pressure is a health issue that you should watch out, because high blood pressure can trigger a heart attack and stroke, even found in some cases can also cause death.
If you have high blood pressure, or may want to reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, you need to consider the type of food consumed each day, as quoted from page Methods Of Healing.

There are some foods that you need to avoid so that blood pressure is stable, such as fried foods, high fat foods, alcohol and cigarettes. However, there are also some of the best foods to lower high blood pressure, among others:

1. Banana
Bananas are not the only source of potassium, but also helps stabilize blood pressure. Try to eat at least one banana every day.

2. Bean
Such as bananas, beans also contain potassium, which can reduce blood pressure.

3. Spinach
Spinach is an excellent source of magnesium. Not only protects you from heart disease, but also can reduce blood pressure. In addition, the folate content in spinach could protect against homocysteine ​​which makes hazardous chemicals. Studies have shown that high levels of amino acid (homocysteine) can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

4. Potato
Potatoes are also good for lowering blood pressure, provided that if cooked properly. Do not fry and avoid adding butter or cheese in processed potatoes will be consumed.

5. Soybean
You are also advised to consume lots of soy foods. Soy contains isoflavones that are important for lowering blood pressure.

7. Fish
Enjoy as many fish as you like, assuming that is presented in a healthy way. Fish contain omega 3 fatty acids are potent lowering of blood pressure.

8. Avocad
Oleic acid in avocados, can help reduce cholesterol. In addition, the content of potassium and folic acid, is essential for heart health.

9. Nuts
Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, red beans contain magnesium and potassium. Potassium is known to be quite effective in lowering high blood pressure.

10. Sunflower seeds
Maybe you know him better as the watermelon seeds. The content is very high magnesiumnya and sunflower seeds contain phytosterols, which can reduce cholesterol levels in the body. High cholesterol is a precursor to high blood pressure, because it can cause blockage of blood vessels. But, make sure you eat fresh watermelon seeds are not given the salt.


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