Immediately took the drug while decreasing body condition or experience mild health problems, not necessarily the right solution. Try these foods first. Without side effects, and it was delicious.
Since thousands of years ago, it has been understood that health is influenced by what we eat. Yes, in every meal contained a variety of materials or substances that will affect the condition of the body. "Let food be your medicine", according to the philosophy of Hippocrates, an expert on ancient medicine.
Health conditions that decrease may be one signal that indicates that the body requires certain nutrients being. Still according to Hippocrates, the body actually has the power to heal itself.
So, when we started a little disturbed health, which needs to be done is to strengthen the ability of the body. Rather than rush guzzling chemical medicines, first try to resolve complaints by improving diet or choosing the right kind of food as medicine.
The virus that causes flu are everywhere, if the flu virus enters the body, stamina decreases, the likelihood of any major flu.
Some foods can improve endurance, so that the incoming influenza virus could not cause the disease or prevent breeding.
Vegetables and Fruit
Vegetables and fruits contain glutathione, a substance that stimulates the immune system functioning, so as to release the cell macrophages. Cells that can halt progression of the virus, in fact, destroying it. Some types of fruit and vegetables are loaded glutathione is avocado, watermelon, oranges, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, broccoli and cantaloupe.
Another good substance found in fruits is vitamin C. This substance is beneficial to strengthen the white blood cells, which fight infection plays a major role. It is best to consume in the form of juice.
It can strengthen the immune system because they contain allicilin and Allin. Both serve to kill bacteria and stimulate the body's immune system to produce germ-killing cells.
Good news for those who like to drink tea. These habits can prevent the body from flu symptoms. This is because tea contains quercetin, a substance that is useful to prevent the virus from replicating.
Diarrhea is a signal the body to excrete 'toxins' from the stomach and digestive system returns to its original function. Diarrhea is generally caused by bacteria present in water or food that eventually enters the body. It could also be due to viruses or parasites. Some foods that could cure diarrhea are:
The harmful effects of diarrhea is dehydration, because every time the diarrhea, the body remove a lot of fluids. Therefore, drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, or consumption of isotonic electrolyte containing ions of mineral salts to prevent dehydration as well as replacing lost minerals.
Eat lightly
Logical course, the less food to be digested stomach, the less that can be issued. That way, the frequency of diarrhea was also reduced. Therefore, select foods that are easily digestible and light, like a banana.
Cinnamon is a natural antidote. Pour boiling one tablespoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water. Let stand for 10 minutes.Then, strain. Drink while still warm. Usually within a few moments of diarrhea will be reduced. However, if diarrhea still continues, immediately went to the doctor to obtain adequate treatment, so the body does not become dehydrated.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
Disgust, stomach and breast pain before menstruation is common in women. This is a natural effect caused by hormones.The term is premenstrual syndrome (PMS = premenstrual syndrome). Try to lighten with the right food choices.
Reduce saturated fat
Under no circumstances does pengonsumsian saturated fat should be limited to only 7% of total calorie requirement per day.However, in the PMS should be much reduced. Saturated fat can raise levels of estrogen that can actually worsen PMS. Needs of the fat as much as 25% of total calories should be derived from the consumption of unsaturated fats.
Fatty acids contained in fish may prevent the production of prostaglandins, the hormone causes menstrual cramps. Fish that contains fatty acids, for example, sardines and salmon.
If it's a piece of chocolate can make you feel comforted, why torture yourself with escape? Moreover, a scientific research shows that consumption of chocolate may help to stabilize hormone levels are soaring before menstruation. But, remember, eat chocolate in moderation, if you do not want to go soaring body weights.
One of the problems commonly experienced. Although headaches can be a symptom of more serious diseases, but the more common are headaches that arise from the tension of mind.
Instead of directly taking headache medication that can make you drowsy, try this solution:
Drinking coffee
Different from the stress, while headache, coffee can actually be a lifesaver. It is advisable to drink a cup of strong coffee when headaches strike. The content of caffeine in coffee can relieve migraines.
Mild fever
Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, her body feels warm or slightly elevated body temperature.
The reason could be because of fatigue or declining condition of the body. Not infrequently the fever is accompanied by dry mouth, sore, sleepy, cold sweat, or dizziness. If it is not too severe, try to resolve this in a simple way
To avoid dehydration, drink lots of water, especially if fever is accompanied by cold sweat. You certainly know the recommendation to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day is not it? Well, this is the perfect time to actually run it.
Fruit juice
Choose fruits that are rich in vitamin C, because this vitamin will boost the immune system. Supplements of vitamin C can also be consumed. However, drinking fruit juice would taste better and fresher, especially during dry mouth due to fever.